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Integrating Movie Metadata



Letterboxd and TMDb Collaboration

Integrating Movie Metadata

Film enthusiasts rejoice! Letterboxd, the popular social networking platform for cinephiles, has announced a significant collaboration with The Movie Database (TMDb). This partnership will enhance the user experience by seamlessly integrating a wealth of movie-related metadata into Letterboxd.

Streamlined Data Import

To streamline the process of importing new movie additions from TMDb into Letterboxd, users can now utilize a simplified URL format. By entering the URL, Letterboxd will automatically import data such as actor and director names, synopses, release dates, trailers, and poster art.

Benefits for Film Enthusiasts

This collaboration offers numerous benefits to Letterboxd users:

  • Enhanced Movie Discovery: The integration of TMDb's extensive database will provide users with access to a vast selection of movie information, making it easier to discover and learn about new films.
  • Accurate Film Logging: The imported metadata ensures that users can accurately log their movie-watching experiences, creating a comprehensive and detailed record of their cinematic journey.
  • Community Building: By leveraging TMDb's social capabilities, Letterboxd can further foster a sense of community among film lovers, facilitating discussions and connections.


The integration of TMDb's metadata into Letterboxd is a game-changer for the film-loving community. It simplifies the process of discovering, logging, and discussing movies, enhancing the user experience and creating a more vibrant and connected platform for cinephiles worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned film enthusiast or just starting your cinematic exploration, this collaboration will undoubtedly enrich your movie-related endeavors.
