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Congo River Map

The Majestic Congo: Unveiling Africa's Second Longest River

Africa's Second Longest River

The Congo River, also known as the Zaire River, holds the title of the second-longest river in Africa, eclipsed only by the mighty Nile River. Measuring an impressive 2,900 miles (4,700 kilometers), it ranks as the third-largest river in the world by volume.

A Journey Through Six Countries

The Congo River winds its way through the heart of west-central Africa, traversing the lands of six nations: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo Republic, Central African Republic, Zambia, Angola, and Burundi. Its meandering course nourishes a vast array of ecosystems, from lush forests to sprawling wetlands.

A River of Superlatives

With an average discharge of over 41,000 cubic meters per second, the Congo River is a veritable powerhouse. It transports the second-highest volume of water of any river in the world, carrying an estimated 13% of the Earth's total river discharge.

A Vital Lifeline

The Congo River is an indispensable lifeline for the millions of people who reside in its basin. Its waters provide sustenance through fishing and irrigation, while its waterways facilitate transportation and trade. The river also supports a rich biodiversity, including a wide range of endemic species.

Exploring the Congo Basin

For those seeking adventure, the Congo Basin offers a wealth of opportunities. From trekking through pristine rainforests to navigating its treacherous rapids, there are countless ways to immerse oneself in the beauty and wonder of this iconic river.
