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Breaking News Supreme Court Redistricting Cases Could Impact House Control

Breaking News: Supreme Court Redistricting Cases Could Impact House Control

Supreme Court News from AP News

Get the latest updates on the Supreme Court, including cases, rulings, and potential changes in House control.

The US Supreme Court is currently hearing several major cases involving redistricting, the process of redrawing boundaries for electoral districts. The outcome of these cases could have a significant impact on which party controls the US House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections.

In one of the most closely watched cases, Moore v. Harper, the Court will consider whether state legislatures have the power to set election rules without any oversight from state courts. If the Court rules in favor of the legislature, it could give state lawmakers the authority to gerrymander districts in their favor, making it more difficult for the opposition party to win elections.

Another case, Merrill v. Milligan, involves a challenge to Alabama's congressional map, which critics say was drawn to discriminate against Black voters. The Court's ruling in this case could have implications for redistricting efforts in other states with large minority populations.

The Supreme Court's decisions in these cases are expected to have a major impact on the upcoming midterm elections. If the Court gives state legislatures more power over redistricting, it could make it more difficult for Democrats to win control of the House. Conversely, if the Court rules in favor of voting rights groups, it could make it easier for Democrats to gain seats.

The Court is expected to issue its rulings in these cases by the end of June. Stay tuned to AP News for the latest updates on these important cases.
